Female - Solid Brown with White
Cimbolina was the first puppy born at 11:11 pm. Cimbolina is the favorite with the kids because she'll sleep on her back, cupped in your hands, and looks like a little ball of the cutest thing you've ever seen! She is the little chub of the females, almost matching weight with the largest in the litter so far, her big brother Maza. She is very chill, even as a newborn. Nothing seems to phase her. Unless, of course, she smells mom move in for lunch, and then she's off to the races! Stay tuned for more about Cimbolina as she grows...and grows...and grows. :)
- Cimbolina hit her target weight early too! She was scheduled to weigh at least 22 oz by 1/23 and is 22.1 oz today, 1/22. :)
- Cimbolina's eyes have opened today, 1/27/2020. Although she still won't be able to see clearly for the next few weeks, she's on her way to enjoying life with new sights and sounds each day!
- Cimbolina's first video at 14 days. <3
Cimbolina's growth chart.